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Owner: Alex Johnson Cranberry-Betty J. Maki; G.Lopes Construction excavating
Volume of Earth Removal: 581,981 Cubic Yards
Permits: Yes: 2011, 2023 (appealed to Superior Court); mining ongoing for over 10 years.
Area Impacted: 20 Acres
Claimed Reason for Mining: Cranberry Agriculture: Reservoir
Solar: No
Water Supply: Yes. Also withdrawing water from Weweantic River for cranberry bogs.
On the Aquifer: Yes, mining in the Aquifer, dewatering operation, discharging process water to the Weweantic River
Wetlands and Waterways: Yes. MassDEP claims exempt from Wetlands Protection Act
Archaeological Impacts: Not assessed.
Environmental Justice Population: None Listed
Ecosystem impacts: Bates Pond Priority Habitat
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