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Location: Minot Ave, Wareham, MA.


- Owner: Glen Priolo Permit: No permit applied for. Property owner cleared and altered land in violation of article 12 performance standards section 1214.

- Area Impacted: Approx. 4.5 acres.

- Claimed Reason for Mining: Clear trees to build a single family homes.

- Solar: No.

- Water Supply: Unknown.

- Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer: Yes

- Wetlands and Waterways: Property next to forested freshwater/shrub wetland. Site outlined in red. Wetlands marked below in dark green, and buffer zone shown in lighter green.














Archaeological Impacts: Unknown.
Environmental Justice Population: Unknown.
Ecosystem: Abuts Minot forest a town owned conservation area. Within Upland Forest shown below in green. Within freshwater forested wetlands.





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