Location: 73 Tremont Street, Carver MA
Owner: Edgewood Bogs/Great Cedar Cranberry
Volume of Earth Removed: 1,047,837 Cubic Yards
Permit: Yes, 2019 and earlier
Area Impacted: At least 50
Claimed Reason for Mining: Cranberry Agriculture- Bog Reservoir
Solar: Unknown
Water Supply: Yes: mining in the aquifer for years
On the Aquifer: Yes
Wetlands and Waterways: Yes; DEP says exempt from Wetlands Protection Act as agriculture. Save the Pine Barrens filed Wetlands Request for Determination of Applicability, Carver Conservation Commission denied it on grounds of agriculture, on July 20, 2022 MassDEP issued Superceding Order of Applicability stating exempt agriculture
Archaeological Impacts: None Found
Environmental Justice Population: None Found
Ecological Impacts:
Taxpayer Subsidies: YES
MDA Grants $55,000, $47,421
USDA grants 1995 to 2021 $259,244