Location: 99 Charge Pond Road, Wareham, MA

Owners of various lots:
Sure-Cran Services Inc./Matt Beaton, 7 to 10 acres cleared in 202, plans for ground mounted solar announced, Demand for Enforcement for earth removal without a permit sent to Wareham Selectboard in 2022. No response.
David Fletcher, Demand for Enforcement for earth removal since 2010 without a permit sent to Wareham Selectboard in 2022. No response.
Bayside Agricultural Inc. of Wareham
Volume of Earth Removed: 1,802,572 Cubic Yards
Permit: None Found
Area Impacted: 150 Acres among various owners and lots
Claimed Reason for Mining: Cranberry Agriculture; Ground mounted industrial solar
Solar: Yes
Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer: Yes
Wetlands and Waterways: Yes, wetlands and streams throughout the area
Archaeological Impacts: Yes, near MassHistoric Commission Inventory Area
Public Subsidies:
Agriculture grants: MDAR $60,000
Solar subsidies/SMART program. Includes solar projects built by Blue Wave Solar starting in about 2014. A large ground mounted solar plant proposed for land of David Fletcher by Long Road Energy LLC will clear cut 25 acres of forest. The application is before the Wareham Planning Board.