Owner: Slocum Gibbs Cranberry, John Garrettson III, President. Also served as Chair of the Carver Earth Removal Committee for about 30 years until resigning in 2021.
Volume of Earth Removed: 568,666 cubic yards
Permit: Not available. Carver Earth Removal Committee asked to enforce the Bylaw, September 2022. No action taken.
Area Impacted: 10 acres
Claimed Reason for Mining: Cranberry agriculture
Solar: Not known; subdivision planned nearby
Water Supply: No wells shown nearby
On the Aquifer: Yes
Wetlands and Waterways: Yes.
See map below showing cranberry wetlands and other
Wetlands map below:

Archaeological Impacts: Yes. Entire area Inventory Area, Mass. Historical Commission. See map below (MassMapper MACRIS)
Environmental Justice Population: Yes (Income)